Thursday, September 13, 2007

Roadside of floor

There are several schools of thought on how to seal the bottom of a trailer from water, you will find several threads on the subject on Mikes forum. Here is mine. First I removed the frame (paint it now) and rolled the body onto its side.

I used scraps of 1/8" ply to fill the gaps. When I covered the body mounts, I reached through the large openings and drill through the ply. Before covering the large openings I added a piece of framework. As you work glue in the spacers, clamping them with the body mount bolts.

For the three pieces in the nose I used thicker scrap, and added 1/8" stuff to fill the gaps.

When done it should look kinda like this. Do not mind the mixed match ply it all gets covered in black goo.

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